Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Ego and self respect


In times immemorial there lived two friends in a village alongside of which lead a thick heavy forest.
Time never stops, as they both grew up one of the friends statured as a Kingsman in the royal palace.
The other remained his entity as a villager and a hard working person who often at times use to rome about and shuffle in forest to hunt, chop woods or in search of some wild berries and honey to fulfill his needs.
A day came when the one amongst the kingsmen came back to pay a visit to his friend.
As the king's man entered the villagers house dripping in multicolored jewels and all dress up in expensive silk clothing his friend the villager obliged and offered him with the best of his gratitude and hospitality.
The meal comprised up of few of the hand plucked wild berries and a piece of meat from his latest hunt cooked on a wooden fire.
All of a sudden a royal note splits out of the king's man mouth, what if you just patron my ethics so that you won't have to be so harsh on your life.
The villager replied point blank.
What if you acquire mine, so that you won't have to compromise your ego and self respect.
l am my own master and serve my own cause and you serve your master's will as a slave.
Such stories hid in an intelligent narration deep inside their perspective.
Any comments from the audience???
Whether a lavish leash and a collar is preferable or a mannerism of dignity and self respect should be a choice of acquisition.
The pick is all yours to finalize.
I just unfolded both the venues to facilitate a way out in your trend, both the examples with explanations are vastly visualized and practiced in actual form and reality.
                                Written by: Usman zahid
                                    CEO Uzee consultants

We portray, cater and practice blotting linguistics (copywriting services)in conjugation with ethically framed business permotional videos.

Contact/watt's app: +92 317 4397965

Email: uz669894@gmail.com

Nighty nine (99)

Once there lived a man, neither destiny favoured him nor did the lady luck.A day in his life flashed when he unwillingly passed by the kings convoy.
The king's eye spotted his untidy presence and immediately called upon for his appearance.
To the man's surprise he was asked, why are you in such ruthless rags?
When I your King still lives with all the glory and wealth.
What is it that you require my subject?
Land, land my sire.
'I require land for myself' the man replied.
'Granted, grant him the land he requires but he must strive to claim it' ordered the kings.
Come pick these Spike's, you must mark and run to claim as much as you wish.
The man ran and ran all the day long, before he could mark the end he fell down and died. Because there was no end to his greed and he always wanted more.
He was buried at the very place where he fell dead
'This is the land which he required' said the king.
Greed is impossible to be pursued, it's always the lust of more which sparkles in one's eyes.

One should strive to proceed and proclaim prosperity but never should pollute his stance with greed.
Remember destiny will always deliver you your destination.
I hope today's is topic is not that boring.
When I was told this story, a lesson in disguise was actually delivered to me by a true well wisher of mine, whom I still remember.
                                "Now it's your turn"

   Written by: Usman zahid
       CEO Uzee consultants

We portray, cater and practice blotting linguistics (copywriting services)in conjugation with ethically framed business permotional videos.

Contact/watt's app: +92 317 4397965

Email: uz669894@gmail.com

Monday, March 30, 2020

Either hook or by crook

Howdy folks!
I presume all is well,
such typical phrases and stanzas contribute dual ideology in our community both the aspects can be conceived negative or positive.

Of course a true influence impressions upon a personality regarding habitual circumstances of its surrounding prominently actualizing focus on culture, family practices, economics and grooming ethics acquired by the elderly trainers classified into numerous relations and contacts.
A plain stout mind of a human child can be molded, forged and guided in any respective format of choice both the methodologies are always sympathized to be acquired.
                             The glass is half full
                                        Half empty
It all depends upon the discretion of choice either we contribute and perform healthy or unhealthy acts as per our respective characters.
No doubt the choices are always available but the recommended stance should always be the rightful positive version, shortcuts do attract a lot.

Acquisition of purpose either by hook or by crook is not at all a practice of recommendation from my part, foul play may gain timely prosperity but believe you me it will never long last.
Both hook and crook are two opposite perspectives of implementation and mind set.
what if you may gain timely success by practicing crook, can you ever satisfy your inner self no not at all never ever you are just deceiving your instincts by following nothing but a hallucination or a mirage which has got nothing to do with the just and fair reality.
Even in the scriptures of history only the fair and just proclaimed their existence prominently in nice vocabulary.
How do you like to be recalled???
Satin and his practices are only praised by his followers.
If ever a situation arises when just are considered as outlaws, still then try your level best to be a practitioner of the originally recommended law abiding patrons.
After all we as believers await a day of judgement yet to come when every living soul will be risen to answer his deeds. Then how can you face the Lord Almighty utilizing the same strategy, either by hook or by crook.
Do you think that any mortal figure can ever deceive His superior intelligence, would you be able to practice crook there to pass on to heavens rather than dwelling hell forever.
I don't have to convince anyone, everyone is well aware of the just truth and facts. If anyone stands in denial then it's just a matter of time.
                    " The day of judgement awaits you"

                               Written by: Usman Zahid
                                   CEO Uzee consultants

We portray, cater and practice blotting linguistics (copywriting services)in conjugation with ethically framed business permotional videos.

Contact/watt's app: +92 317 4397965

Email: uz669894@gmail.com

Paid slaves

   But please do not mind if I am a bit rude today.
Slavery in its true form is no more a practice of present era. But it exists fashionably with a twisted format of en-clutching lives generation after a generation more or less in the same patterns of relevance with a polished and shiny new surface of description.

A mindset or a trend has been developed by the liquidity and commodity holding masters of today's world to enslave and Confiscate new upcoming and seasoned potential into the direction of their choice.
Such masters are also active members in the hallways of power both social and political so no such policies are every being crafted which may endangered there masterly ordinances.
The web is noted so tightly that it is nearly impossible for any subject to outsmart the boundaries already built and fortified marking exactly the exact parameters for their limits.

I really don't understand why people after securing their degrees straightaway enter the market as job seekers. Isn't this astonishing that even the master degree holders in the business and related studies are seen indulged into same practices.
Ooo! Come on come out of this hallucination, breakthrough this mirage and believe in yourself don't waste your talent encash it yourself why do you favour others in return of few ruthless penis.
They intentionally take full advantage of your skills and talent in return of couple of few hundred thousands per annum or maybe a drastic sum of few k,  just like the slave masters used to practice in old times.
I am right or not, come on think for yourself and speak up, stand against this system of slavery and stop playing this predefined character of a paid slave.
You are not a slave you are a free person,  start your own business no matter how small it may be, iam sure you can prosper and proceed in the direction of success.
Ok just for the sake of developing more understanding regarding my point of view, the person who is hiring you maintain the same physical features and mental capabilities as you do with a prominent probability of you being enjoying far more superior mental and physical capabilities and qualities than that of the concerned.
So please value my suggestion and stop pushing yourself towards the endless pit of job oriented culture and theme.
Give yourself a chance to introduce and flourish your fragrance, at least try it.
I am sure you will enjoy a level of positive note following my pattern and you won't regret it at all.
"Be your own boss and stop being a paid slave"
                                 Written by: Usman zahid
                                    CEO Uzee consultants

We portray, cater and practice blotting linguistics (copywriting services)in conjugation with ethically framed business permotional videos.

Contact/watt's app: +92 317 4397965

Email: uz669894@gmail.com

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Offices and affairs

Hello! how is everybody
I hope everyone is fine and doing good
Ooo! The topic is hot and it hurts to
                     "Offices and affairs"
wherever you go which ever office you may visit you will definitely come across, visualize and feel the spark of irresistible feminine beauty all dressed up in the height of latest fashion missing not even a pinch of glitter from the streaked hair styling to exotic dressing and nice delicate heels in other words a complete package from head to toe.
Believe you me it is sometimes occasionally one of the impossibility to resist such a sex appeal and hormonal provoking stance, suddenly out of a blue an ethical set of vocabulary bursts out willingly or unwillingly.
                                                       Ooo! That chick is hot
The most prominent featuring the top in elegance, attractiveness, beauty and styling is no doubt a Passion considered as a must for the high rankers or the boss and gradually the theme deteriorates maintaining the equation of looks and status in equivalence.

Once in a blue moon odd equivalent are also been observed but it is rare.
Female version of human race enjoy built-in instincts for the passion and acquisition of good looks and attractiveness for themselves.
And believe you me they very well know which stroke to play and when to play.

Males on the other side mainly are calibrated for their worth according to their financials. The counts of zeros after a prominent number decides their stature and demand.
The more the zeros are the selection of choice expands for them to pluck the flowers of their choice. Although in males there are some chances vastly observed that their looks and built may have privileged them over their financial spectrum specially if the choice and status is being enjoyed by the female counterpart.
My question about our daily routine is that well I mean to ask that all such behaviours represented by either sexes are to be exposed and exploited in offices in both public and private or they are meant to facilitate your life partner???
Any answers _,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_ any.
Even if somebody specially the female tries to maintain a safe distance from such practices they are totally considered as misfits and old fashioned for their respected scenario at present, no fancy job opportunities or good work provisions for such relic of past are ever displayed.
My Curie is, where are we headed to and what are we doing are we on the right track or it's a way to Satan's parlour.
It's not just the males exploring females even females badly snub each other and try to achieve prominence utilizing such practices and patterns.
Previous definition of social and moral values have been rephrased in total nowadays.
Financially secure person can enjoy wives and sex partners both with ease and so an attractive looking lady can cling on both a sex partner and a husband if desired, offices of all natures and criteria have turned out to be a fertile playground for such provisions.
Concept of marriage is considered as an obsolete and abolished theme of relevance now.
I have personally herd many people saying including both the genders
     "It was just the need of time we slept with each other so don't get any wrong ideas"
                    "No heart feelings,han!"
                             " Same is here"
We cannot entangle ourselves into any sort of relationship, time can be enjoyed physically when and where ever required with any person of choice and physical compatibility it may be a secretary or the boss. Our only focus is on our future, we desire to be financially secure.
Any good ideas from the audience???
Either appropriate relationships or the financials bring in success???

                                                                                                               Written by: Usman zahid
                                 CEO Uzee consultants

We portray, cater and practice blotting linguistics (copywriting services)in conjugation with ethically framed business permotional videos.

Contact/watt's app: +92 317 4397965

Email: uz669894@gmail.com

Dignified prostitution


Hello! once again to all of you.
Do mind my words about today's topic it is quite pinching and irritating for a certain circle of society, proudly proclaimed as the elite class or the privileged ones.
Being a member of such privileged class I attended numerous get-togethers and late night parties, dropped in chauffeur-driven shiny long cars well up to date families attend such gatherings.
Nighty present of the guest list are top level business personals, bureaucrats and politicians accompanied by certain level of celebrities fancying a worthy face value. All attendant's attend such parties for a purpose of personal interest that may be of any sort or criteria.
Cocktails of really classy nature are served and families enjoy them together in an open sort of conjugated atmosphere with expensive and exotic food served in top of the line crockery and cutlery.
No,no,no, things don't end here this is just the beginning. A ballot is conducted in open for wife switching game, names are chosen to enjoy temptation physically at random which they boldly conduct with each other after a successful ballot regardless of their legal spouses.

Now comes the turn of the youngsters and teenagers they are left free to enjoy their night by their choice, rooms and certain places of privacy are available but some prefer to enjoy in the open.
All such practices in such get-togethers are encashed in future in the direction of personal interest that may be financial, political or in personal relations and many more similar favors.
As the dawn strikes spouses appear from different rooms with different partners every time in every new party.
Anyone can define what prostitution is? And what gigolos are?
Any logical set of versus or any description?
                                  Written by: Usman zahid.
                                      CEO Uzee consultants

We portray, cater and practice blotting linguistics (copywriting services)in conjugation with ethically framed business permotional videos.

Contact/watt's app: +92 317 4397965

Email: uz669894@gmail.com

Old houses and daycares

There exists a deep link if you try to understand, a rope of simultaneous trends are consecutive in coordination.
There is a time when a human child requires a certain level of warmth and sensation of affection with love from his parents but alas he is left alone to share his fantasies with the same of his kind in a so-called facility named as daycare centre well equipped with trained staff and experienced  teachers serving on a certain payroll.

Is it possible that any person or a teacher no matter how trained or loving he or she is can fit in perfect as a substitute of parents.
A three or a four years old child happens to be a blank personality ready to focus, grasp and imprint via aesthetic senses, who is there to guide that child a paid teacher?
Come on give any logical answers.
Oh! yes it is the financials of course you cannot afford to put in time for your children.
Ok alright plea accepted no doubt a well calibrated answer. Then what is the fuss about when you touch your sixties or seventies the same children admit you in old houses.
Where you are left alone in the same well equipped stance as that of a daycare, now they have the same answer as that once you had. It's the financials they have to take care about now.

when importance is of financials and relationship is neglected and considered cheap confronting shiny pennies, a disturbances will surely trigger a wave of selfishness throughout in the society.
If you are not available at times to share the feelings with your children be aware of the fact that they will also be marking the same impression one day when you may intensely require them to sit besides you and accompany you.
Any good ideas what to value and what not to?
What to prefer and what to neglect?
Daycares of today are going to be the old houses of tomorrow. It is just a matter of few years for you.
                    " Wait and watch"
                                                                                   Written by: Usman Zahid
     CEO Uzee consultants

We portray, cater and practice blotting linguistics (copywriting services)in conjugation with ethically framed business permotional videos.

Contact/watt's app: +92 317 4397965

Email: uz669894@gmail.com

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Husband and wife relationship

Husband and wife relationship conjugated from the heavens above onto the earth's below till the end of time will even pass on its stigma to the limits of ever living afterlife.
The first ever relation introduced between the two Adam and Eve by the great creator himself proves to be the most intimate of all bonds in circling compatible passions and compassionate feelings both physically and mentally. Undoubtedly a shield of both against the kith and kin of harsh agonizing temperament displayed by the diaspora of time.
The might of such delicacy is even revealed stronger than the phenomenon of death in certain myths.

No doubt when the genders climax puberty ranging estrogen and progesterone level requires a patronage of ease to be maintained. A solution is delivered by the nature in the vocabulary of marriage.
                                        Do you mind my words here
                     "Be one with nature and nature won't harm you"
Do not pollute the stance of nature by adjusting random, meaningless and timely provisions to fulfill the urge and lust of provoking hormones. Improvising such practices will only cause devastating and colossal disasters in life patterns.
Exceeding your canvas other than your life partner will definitely create social and moral upheavals the basic reason of collapse in family system.
When ever a disturbance is introduced by the protestants of the time an HIV is furnished and showcased as a punishment by the skies.
Physical relation arranged between both the sexes cause and delivers a patronage of new  life to ensure the existence of human race. Which is never ever preferred in the dictionary of any language or culture  to be pronounced as bastards.
So please try to understand that one should must confiscate and confine his physical requirements and needs with in the limits exhibited clearly in the scriptures of law,  man written and calligraphy by the God Almighty.
God forbid if unfortunately both are one of the partners is not comfortable then a provision of divorce is also available but that also should be conducted ethically and gracefully.
please try to understand the beauty of this relation according to my ideology classifying such a beautiful bond of love and affection which facilitates protection and warmth to both in the times of need as a civil contract is not at all a worthy description. Definition of contracts reveal clauses of description, unfortunately the legal system has arranged such a beautiful and lovely phenomenon in the same paraphrase but believe you me it is far much much more than that.
                                  Written by: Usman zahid
                                      CEO Uzee consultants

We portray, cater and practice blotting linguistics (copywriting services)in conjugation with ethically framed business permotional videos.

Contact/watt's app: +92 317 4397965

Email: uz669894@gmail.com

Monstrosities in law

As decided by the sky conjugation of two sexes in a legalized format and pattern in lay pronounced as marriage gives birth to numerous secondary relations side-by-side.
Considering a woman's  perspective a real devilish face emerges as an undoubted queen of darkness, the one and only mother-in-law accompanied and backed up by shrewd, sharp, thorny and pricking none other than the sister in laws.

It's really a tough job for a newcomer to cope and exist in such an unpredictable environment totally controlled and en-clutched within the paws of the inlaws.
I simply failed to understand that why all of a sudden a loving, affectionate, all-time co-operative and reliable relation of a grooms mother shed their skin and transforms into a snake headed Medusa equipped and trained from head to toe with all the deadly tactics and methodologies to convert the life of the newly wedded couple even worse than the darkest pit of hell.

This isn't the only monstrosity of conflict the real pain in the neck at times happen to be the sisters in law.
It is obvious that during initial days of marriage newly wedded brides maintain a level of beauty and good looks, after all it's their time to enjoy life in a new version.
Believe you me a competition of dresses and looks arises in full glance with the girl of not even one third of the age.
A scene of cold war develops and in most of the cases the new arrival fancies a better level of beauty, looks and youth.
So an indirect coup to ridicule  the supremacy of youth and looks is strategically planed and deployed, most likely by pinpointing the daily practices of ethics and mannerism specifically.
Provoking, propagating and portraying minutest of the minute mistakes of the new member as if they are going to be the only reason of the world war there to initiate in it's full stance.
Words like,
                 Don't you have manners _,_,_,_
                 Didn't your mother taught you any ethics _,_,_,_
                 Is this the way to cook _,_,_,_
                 Have some shame wake up early in the morning _,_,_,_
                 when we were young and I was married I never slept for long in the morning _,_,_,_
                 Oh! my cooking everyone praised it and you, you know nothing try to learn some  from my daughter's at least _,_,_,_
                 We never use to wear such shameless dresses as you do _,_,_,_
Well I seriously mean to ask is it really the shameful dress which is pinching or is the beautiful elegant young girl in that fancy modern dress.
If a newly married couple is not going to enjoy their privacy late-night into their room then who a fifty or sixty year's old will.   
Now a day's the story of Cinderella has a clear change in characters, it isn't the ugly stepsisters and wicked cunning stepmother anymore it's the ugly cunning and wicked mother and sister's in law now.   
For God's sake take some sense, all these obnoxious and hideous practices will disturb your own son's life. Don't try to hallucinate, portray and showcase yourself as some Godly figure with all the goody good postures and your daughter in law with all the worst and pathetic behaviours in every perspective of her personality.       

                                                                                                  Written by: Usman Zahid
                    CEO Uzee consultants

We portray, cater and practice blotting linguistics (copywriting services)in conjugation with ethically framed business permotional videos.

Contact/watt's app: +92 317 4397965

Email: uz669894@gmail.com

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Human child psychology


Believe you all when ever first time as a parent you are blessed with a sensational feeling that a new life has conceived it's existence, a flavour of completion is introduced spanning a change in behavior and habits ever exercised in the past.
Compiling up my thoughts rather than dispersing into dimensionless scenario,I focus and actualize to furnish a pattern in description of child psychology in terms of grooming and upbringing.
The moment the human child takes his first breath a clear psychological shift in the mentality and mindset of both the spouses occur.
Nature always practices its procedures utilizing a mysterious vocabulary of instincts emerging with in both parents and offspring.
Problematic point erects when a demand to un-code the call of instincts into a pattern of implementation occurs.
Human beings classified as homo sapiens in the helix of phylum enjoy the most complexed and advanced capability of grasping and performing numerous behaviours ever being exposed or flashed upon in once prospective intentionally or unintentionally, leaving behind a responsive attitude of practicing reflex action format based on previous experiences.
In simple and layman's terminology a human mind from the day one fancies a qualitative aspect of being trained in terms of applying experienced based learning.
This phenomenon requires a specific pattern in parenthood to be practiced to polish and shine the newly developing aesthetics.
In initial few years a child requires a level of warmth and affection from its parents.From lap to toddlers up till the verges of touching approximate figure of 6 years same protective and careful parenthood is required,feeding up the initial demands firstly procuring nutrition conjugated with initial moral and basic educational knowledge and values.
Here a practice in deliverance of positivity in the very deep core of an offsprings mindset should be acknowledged in compliance with the implementation in times yet to come.
A mind set groomed and brought up in positive energy and background will surely develop into a rightful and bonafide personality.
Now arises the phase where a prominent exposure of society in surrounding plays its role the period in circles from 6 years onwards till may be 12 years in general with few exceptions.
At this very time slot a tricky proportion occurs with it's path because the venue of exposure expands with far more developed aesthetics to practice comparison as compared to that of previous situation.
Now at this very moment only the words wont matter the developing brain is very much capable of gaining and grasping from actual facts and figures variantly available throughout the scene so now approach in terms of actual performance is required in its true sense of manner rather than just playing with good words good deeds in proper practice should be showcased by the trainers to null and void the presence of negative proportions present in abundance.
OH! Now the teens representative of raging hormones exploiting and manipulating both minds and bodies with numerous new sensations and changes erects and stimulates as a clear spokesman of ego,self confidence, personal entity and identification.
Most of the parents confront a magnitude of problematic and un-perposinate behaviour, patterns and practices on behalf of their children at this slot.
At this very moment the human child excluding the discrimination of gender experiences an urge in its physical demands and requirements.
Sex is no doubt a really strong phenomenon, an inbuilt requirement of clear mating call starts to confirm its gaining pace.
So please do not ever try to neglect such a predicament. Denial of facts will never enable us to resolve this situation.
At this very exposure a true figure of firm character in terms of physical,mental,moral and social values should be gracefully displayed by both the parents based on the deliverance of ethical knowledge revealed in a mannerism of nicely selected set of a vocabulary to finally deliver a personality of true strong and Worthy character to the society.
                                                                                                          written by: Usman zahid
                           CEO Uzee consultants

We portray, cater and practice blotting linguistics (copywriting services)in conjugation with ethically framed business permotional videos.

Contact/watt's app: +92 317 4397965

Email: uz669894@gmail.com


Sunday, March 8, 2020

Be one with the nature

Some one from the heavens above formulated nature maintaining a balance in perfection spreading along directions and dimensions side by side through out known and unknown universe.
Undoubtedly the Craft's man is a true master of his trades, the architecture in total reflects his unified identity and countless qualities. Wisdom in focus of the observing eye ends very soon in reflection of the counts representing wonders carved in infinity.

Still we dare to challenge his dispersal of ingenuity that lays in a perfect blend across the longitudes and the latitudes.
Nature with respect to all it's pros and cons delivers a theme of empathy for it's dwellers. We with all our knowledge and skills clinged in so called modern science developed a continuity in the stance of interference, eventually disturbing the equilibrium of balance calibrated in an equation by the designer.

scientists might as well enabled us to read the language of God by decoding DNA helix, believe you me pure negativity has been conceived as compared to a congenial approach.
Nature should be followed rather than being guided and what we are doing, we try to impose which happens to be another step forward or I would rather compliment as back words, going against the flow of current is never advised by the expert's.
I don't simply seems to understand that what we are trying to do, where we are headed to according to my conclusion we are willingly digging a pit of doom to endanger our own existence.
Remember and mark my words before its to late, we can easily achieve prosperity with all its demands and requirements with out practicing any theme against the laws of nature.
 We strive to mutilate the originality of a grain to enhance the yield why don't we effort in positive cultivation methodologies to cope our needs. All such exercises are being practiced vastly in fashion pin pointing mainly all the sectors of demand.
I am not at all a person praising an ideology against innovation, i basically criticize the direction of implementation .
God knew and visualized every perspective for sure when he initiated a patronage of his creation's, he knew how much exactly will be the requirement of needs from the day one till the end of time.
                       His calculations are perfect.
Please do not impose illogical subtractions or additions for financial benefits bulgingly justified as helpful humanitarian practices actually it's the financials behind the curtains.

                                                                                                              written by: Usman zahid.
                                CEO Uzee consultants

We portray, cater and practice blotting linguistics (copywriting services)in conjugation with ethically framed business permotional videos.

Contact/watt's app: +92 317 4397965

Email: uz669894@gmail.com